Saturday, March 25, 2006

The Killer Bees

This is the first in a series of articles I'm doing on 'the Locals' at Mancy Way skatepark and who better to lead us in to this exciting adventure of modern Mancunian skaters but Alistair Mezbourian, AKA Bees. Renowned for his distinctive style, Bees has a clear passion for skating, an unquenchable thirst for the unusual and, I think, a perspective on skating that makes him one of the most inspiring skaters I've seen.

Bees, I believe, was the first person to wall ride the fence above the large quarter. Some think that his ability to ride fences derives from a mystical force that only he possess.... others don't. But, whatever your view, you must admit that it looks pretty cool.

Bees has been coming to the Mancy Way park since we first opened in August 2004. He's part of a community of skaters who bring an atmoshere of fun and excitement wherever they go. Thanks for making my job a lot more enjoyable.

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Cheers Bees and thanks for letting me use these photos.