Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Beard Blog - Day 62

Day 60

You might be wondering why I've not posted anything for a while. Well I haven't given up (as you can see), I've just been waiting for things to happen. There seems little point in dribbling on and on each day if there's no news to talk about and although I do have plenty of other interests besides the skatepark, it would hardly deserve a platform on my Beard Blog.

So does this post mean something has happened? Yes it does. This morning I had a call from United Utilities' contractors saying they expect the installation of mains electricity to be completed by next week! They're at the park as I'm writing this, searching for our junction box, the place that connects the mains electricity to our skatepark. This does not affect the beard, however. The beard will remain, in full, until the lights are operational.

That's not the only good news, although it's the most exciting - I wasn't expecting anything so definite so soon. Perhaps I'm overexposed to disappointment. The other news is that the floodlights have been ordered from Amey. We haven't been given an installation date and I'm not in a position to speculate, unfortunately. As soon as I hear anything, I'll let you know.

If you'd like to see the full beard growth process, please click here


Blogger Sproggy said...

how's the beard looking now john? i think that growing a beard as a form of protest is an ace idea.
hope you and lorna are doing ok..we've not seen you guys in ages so i feel a bit out of touch, but hope all's well.
love penny (wenham)

8:32 pm  

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