Friday, April 14, 2006

Jacob Winstanley

A very long time ago, 793AD in fact, the Vikings invaded Britain leaving a trail of devastation and destruction throughout the lands. They would stop at nothing to achieve their goal of overwhelming their enemy and subduing their newly found land.

Fortunately for us, in 878AD Alfred The Great mustered a large army who defeated the Danes, and rightly so. Despite this defeat the Danes live on. Jake is living proof; long blond hair, leaves a trail of destruction in his wake and can only be stopped by a large army or a bruised heel and even then he puts up a good fight.....

The Viking's classic frontside attack

The backside feebs is a less reliable offensive but, if used correctly, a guaranteed killer

Ah, the old coup de grรขce. Victory is his!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Continuing on the 'Locals' theme I bring you (drum roll).... Bruce Pouncey! Today is Bruce's birthday. He is 17 years old. Yeah, Bruce.

Here's a bit of background info on Bruce. Everything he says starts with 'Yeah'. For example, 'Yeah Bees', 'Yeah Lee', 'Yeah Damo'. Although some times , for variety, he'll say 'John, Man' but that only happens when I ask him to do something and it is whined rather than spoken but that's Bruce, a guy full of love and meaningful remarks.

When it comes to skating, Bruce kicks ass. The photos show him doing this; backside 50:50 down the square coping ledge, very tweeked b/s 180 over a yellow cone, and b/s tailslide on the rail.
Bruce, like a lot of young skaters, will try and try and try until he lands his trick but he also tries and tries and tries to get you to land your trick, too. A true local hero.

Thanks for the photos, Bruce.