Where have all the skaters gone?

Is it me or has it been very quiet recently? We're getting the usual locals down but I'm sure it's normally busier than this. I've heard numerous conspiracy theories which all fall short of the mark. My personal theory is aliens. Aliens have taken the skaters and won't give them back unless we teach them how to drop in. I'm sure a lot of you are hoping that aliens will take you away because it's a whole lot more interesting than revision. I heard about a guy once that revised so much his head fell off, so BE CAREFUL. There's nowt worse than decapitation except maybe that thing where your board spins up and slaps you between your legs. Yeah, that's pretty painfull, too. And there's the times when you oly down or over something and the board hovers in an upright position just long enough for you land on top of it. It reminds me of a story I read about Tom Penny building a massive kicker with his mate and doing melon grabs out of it. They kept making the kicker bigger and bigger until it got to about six feet high and they were getting about the same amount of air out the top. Anyway, Penny pulls a massive Melon, messes it up and lands with the board, nose up, between his legs. The board sliced a hole, two inches deep into his under carriage. Nasty!
I've added a picture of a card tower that Sean Lomax made whilst working at the park. I hope this provides some inspiration for ideas to relieve your boredom.
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