Rob Smith
If you don't know Rob Smith hopefully after reading this you'll have a glimpse, perhaps, of the character, humour and style that make him so much fun to watch.

I wouldn't claim to know Rob at all but we share a passing comment from time to time before he returns again to his preferred position which is normally about seven or eight feet above the ground.
Rob won the Lord of the Park III comp in April by producing some of the finest skating we've seen at the Pump Cage - I think I'll start using that title cause the one the council gave us (City Centre Skatepark) has as much pizazz as a dead fish - and he continues to astound us with his imaginative and sometimes exremely dangerous tricks.

I remember the Troll Jam comp in November last year when Rob, with the help of a friend, climbed on top of the fence that surrounds the park, gets into the nose blunt position then indies into the quarter. I honestly thought he was dead when he hit the ground at the bottom of the quarter. It's a long way to fall, after all. He landed horizontally after managing, only just, to get his board in contact with the ramp at its lowest point. His head seemed to flick over his right shoulder, hit the ground, and bounce back off again with a millisecond. He didn't move for a while, which seemed to confirm my suspicion that he was, in fact, dead. I then thought I was going to die and then he stood up as if nothing had happened and carried on skating.

Rob Smith - what a hero!

I wouldn't claim to know Rob at all but we share a passing comment from time to time before he returns again to his preferred position which is normally about seven or eight feet above the ground.

I remember the Troll Jam comp in November last year when Rob, with the help of a friend, climbed on top of the fence that surrounds the park, gets into the nose blunt position then indies into the quarter. I honestly thought he was dead when he hit the ground at the bottom of the quarter. It's a long way to fall, after all. He landed horizontally after managing, only just, to get his board in contact with the ramp at its lowest point. His head seemed to flick over his right shoulder, hit the ground, and bounce back off again with a millisecond. He didn't move for a while, which seemed to confirm my suspicion that he was, in fact, dead. I then thought I was going to die and then he stood up as if nothing had happened and carried on skating.

Rob Smith - what a hero!