Friday, March 02, 2007

Chris Barrett - Superman or not?

We discuss some challenging topics on this blog from time to time but none so tough as whether Chris Barrett is, in fact, Superman. My personal view is, of course he's Superman. Why not? I'll let you judge for yourselves from some of these pictures.

OK, the photos are a bit sketchy but you try taking shots of a speeding bullet. It's hard, I can tell you. Especially when your camera is a 2 year old mobile phone. We're not exactly talking 'cutting edge' camera technology. The skating is great, though!

But back to Chris. He's very good, isn't he? I was going to title this blog 'Chris Barrett - He's not a murderer or is he?' but I thought the connection between Murder Flips and actually killing people was fairly loose. You can take it quite far. His weapon of choice is a 9 inch, old school, fish board, etc. People might have got the wrong idea after reading the title then all their fears confirmed when they saw his photos. I mean, who knows what he keeps in those blue plastic bags that he trails around with? I'm sure it's perfectly innocent.


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